West Huntspill Academy, New Road, West Huntspill, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 3QE
Tel: 01278 783842
East Huntspill Academy, New Road, East Huntspill, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 3PT
Tel: 01278 782453

west@thpa.theplt.org.uk / east@thpa.theplt.org.uk

The Huntspill Primary Academies

WE learn, WE achieve, WE flourish


Children’s Mental Health & Wellbeing


Have you heard of My Family Coach? It's an incredible free platform supplied by Team Teach for schools and families to help and support with all areas of behaviour, school and family life.

The platform includes over 50 hours of free support content from the experienced team here at Team Teach. There's articles, podcasts, videos, ebooks and quarterly online parent classes that you and the families you support can attend and watch on-demand as well.

The resources and support cover a huge variety of topics and we're always adding more:

  • Relationships
  • Communication
  • Mental wellbeing
  • Friendships
  • Bullying
  • Calming down
  • School life
  • Healthy living
  • At risk behaviour
  • Screen time



And for this time of year, families might find articles on understanding behaviourmanaging changes to routineshow to enjoy a family Christmasusing family support for childcare in the holidayssupporting your child through the holidays or why self care isn't selfish helpful



Young Minds have recently added a new guide for young people, helping to support in explaining what cultural identity is and how to find your place in more than one culture. 

 Our cultural identity is a big part of who we are, which means it can affect our mental health and influence what support we need. Find out more about the relationship between cultural identity and mental health, how to navigate expectations and pressures, and how to get the support that’s right for you.



I frequently refer back to the website Place2Be as it provides such valuable advice for both schools and families.  This link gives suggestions  on ways to support your child to make friendsAs a parent or carer, you can play an important role in supporting your child with social interactions and establishing healthy friendships. 


Responding To A Panic Attack

I have been made aware a few times over the past term of pupils experiences panic attacks. The following extract is taken from Dr Pooky Knightsmith who is the former chair of Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition. 

Supporting a child through a panic attack can feel terrifying and you can often feel completely helpless – but there are several things you can do to help. 


Having a panic attack is a terrifying feeling and one that can make you feel very alone. Just being present can make a huge difference to the child. It will make them feel a little less out of control of the situation which is likely to shorten the duration of the attack.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, don’t leave someone alone while they are having a panic attack. Call for help or send someone else if you need to but stay steadfast by the child's side and remind them that you are there and that you will not leave them. Phrases that might help include:

  • I’m not going anywhere.
  • You’re not on your own.
  • I’ll stay with you until you feel better.
  • I’m here to help you.
  • You’re safe, it’s okay.

www.pookyknightsmith responding to a panic attack  for further information please use this link.  


We are all aware that children are becoming more and more technologically able - playing games online and older children using messaging apps.

 Online safety can be daunting for parents and carers, with consistently changing apps and system updates.

E-safety is about communication skills rather than  technology understanding. Trying to maintain an open and ongoing discussion about online safety at home, as a family, with your children, will support them in understanding how they can help themselves to stay safe online.  

The NSPCC website has a wealth of resources to offer support for you and your family


Supporting families in Creating routines and boundaries

The links below contain useful information  and resources to hopefully give  you as parents/ careers some ideas and support with your children around -routines, boundaries, sleep hygiene and technology use

 Healthy parenting boundaries

After school routines

Morning routines

Sleep hygiene -habits to help promote a good night sleep 

Supporting healthy technology use




As we continue our way through the month of October,  we get the opportunity to marvel at the ways that nature transforms itself from  summer to winter.   The Action for Happiness Calendar has a positive task to fulfill each day. 

It is important that we use words of encouragement as children grow, as they will hopefully stay with them for a long time. 

You are loved

 I have faith in you

You are creative

You are capable

You are deserving

You are strong

I'm listening

Your choices matter

You make a difference

Jump Back Up July

Let's find a way to bounce back!

“To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world.”

                                                                             ~ Dr. Seuss

Educational Psychology Service - EPS Helpline

Telephone Helpline for Parents and Carers provided by Somerset County Council

If you are a parent/carer of a child in Somerset and would like to speak to a Psychologist with any
concerns arising for you, or your family during this time, then The Educational Psychology Service is here
for you. We are able to offer an initial 30-minute telephone consultation (discussion) and a potential
follow up call, of another 30 minutes if appropriate


Are you worried about your child's Behaviour or Mental Health?

Please find a link to HappyMaps, a website with reliable resources recommended by professionals.


Somerset Safeguarding

Safeguarding is everybody’s business.

If you are worried about a child or young person who could be in danger please contact Children’s Social Care by phoning 0300 123 2224 or emailing them at childrens@somerset.gov.uk. Otherwise, contact the police.

Please use link above to access the SOmerset safeguarding site. 

Useful Links

  • SBT -Somerset Big Tent


Somerset Big Tent is a partnership of Charities and Community Interest Companies. A link to lots of different sites to use for many different reasons.


Self-harm effects more young people than we might think. It can be anything from nail biting to hair pulling right through to some more serious actions. Within this session,  Creative Education take a look at some of the triggers, some of the signs to look for and have an open conversation about ways to support young people to break the cycle of self-harm. 


Looking after young people's mental health


Easy ways to eat well & move more


CCS Village & Community Agents provide confidential, practical community-based solutions for you, wherever you are in Somerset



Support Signpost

We understand that the cost of living crisis is affecting so many people, and so we have pulled together some links across North Somerset and Somerset, with the aim of signposting available support.

If you become aware of any other support that becomes available please email your school with the details so that we can share with others.



The Government Warm House Discount

Children in need - family fund -

StepChange offers free, online debt advice and money guidance, with the widest range of debt solutions to help www.stepchange.org

Warm Spaces is an online directory of ‘Warm Banks’ where anyone in need of warmth can find a place to share that will provide warmth, welcome & help. https://warmspaces.org/spaces

Domestic Alternative Fuel payment
Government confirms details of a single £200 payment to help households in Great Britain that use alternative fuels like heating oil, LPG gas etc. Most households eligible for the AFP support
in Great Britain, will receive payment automatically via their electricity supplier in February, with no need to take any action. Those households who will need to apply for the AFP, for example because they do not have a relationship with an electricity supplier, will be able to do so in February, through the same GOV.UK portal as the one that will be used to apply for support under the EBSS Alternative Funding scheme.

Free School Meals
If your family is on a low income or in receipt of benefits your children may be eligible for free school meals. Follow the below links to make an application for each child in the family. If successful your child will be able to receive free school meals throughout their primary and
secondary education and may also receive financial help from the school to support costs of trips and extra curricular activities.

Turn2us has a directory of grants for individuals as well as a helpful Benefits Calculator so you can check if you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to. https://www.turn2us.org.uk

Burnham and Weston Energy - book a free home consultation for a member of the community team to make free energy saving measures to your home and advise on how to reduce your energy consumption and bills. www.burnhamandwestonenergy.co.uk/home-energy-advice/ 


Somerset County Council advice

Somerset Household Support Fund -

Hands of change - Burnham and Highbridge. Community run charity providing food and essentials to those in need

Safe and Warm Somerset -

Community Council for Somerset will put you in touch with your Village and Community Agent who provide confidential, practical community-based solutions for people in Somerset.

Mind in Somerset can help if you are feeling anxious or overwhelmed by the cost-of-living crisis.

Citizens Advice Somerset helps people resolve their legal, money and other problems by providing free, independent and confidential advice. They have produced a Cost of Living Increase Guide and there’s a helpful page on their website here which includes information on grants and benefits to help you pay your energy bills. www.citizensadvicesomerset.org.uk 



These links are correct as of 19.10.2023