West Huntspill Academy, New Road, West Huntspill, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 3QE
Tel: 01278 783842
East Huntspill Academy, New Road, East Huntspill, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 3PT
Tel: 01278 782453

west@thpa.theplt.org.uk / east@thpa.theplt.org.uk

The Huntspill Primary Academies

WE learn, WE achieve, WE flourish



Welcome to Ash Class

(Reception and Year 1)

This year Ash Class is a mixed group of 20 Reception and Year 1 children who are supported by Miss Linthorne and Mrs Wainwright. We enjoy an active curriculum in Reception, which encourages the children to develop their knowledge and understanding whilst helping them to work with greater independence. We give the Year 1 children opportunities for practical learning and open-ended tasks to promote deeper thinking and to support the development of resilience in their learning.

In Ash Class we enjoy working hard to help us to become the best that we can be. We like to put lots of our work on display so that we can celebrate the wonderful things we have been doing and learning. We are friendly, kind and helpful to others and have an excellent attitude towards our work.

We repsect ourselves, respect others and respect our environment. 

Summer Term 2024

Welcome back everyone! I hope you had a wonderful break over Easter.  

This term our learning theme is 'What's Your Favourite Story?' We will be reading a variety of different texts, including Jack and the Beanstalk, You Choose and The Enormous Turnip. Our class readers this term will include Little Red Riding Hood, The Emperor's New Clothes, Hansel and Gretel, The Frog Prince and The Ugly Duckling. We will continue to develop our knowledge of phonics using Read Write Inc and this will help support our spelling and reading skills. During this term the Reception children will continue to learn to blend the sounds together to read words, with the help of our Frog called Fred.  In Maths we will use NCETM to support the children when learning about numbers in fun and exciting ways. We continue to foster a love of Maths in Ash Class this year which will give the children good foundations when they move through the school. We encourage the children to investigate and reason about their maths, talking about what they are doing, why they have chosen this method and how they could change their approach when needed.  In Science we will be learning about plants and what they need to stay healthy.  In PSHE our topics are ‘Relationships' and 'Changing Me'. We will be talking about ourselves, different relationships in our lives and how our bodies change and develop as we get older.  In Computing we will be learning about computing systems and networks, exploring hardware and creating media and digital imagery. We will be learning about history beyond living memory by finding out about the great fire of London and its impact on firefighting. We will be making marvellous marks in Art and making moving books and investigating textiles in DT. In Music we will be learning about musical stories and timbre and rythmic patterns.  

We are looking forward to another exciting term!  

What have we been doing?

We have been learning about the different properties of materials. 

We have investigated which are the best materials to keep out teddy warm and dry. 


We have investigated the best materials to make our boats in DT.

We then made our boats and tested them in the water. 

Making Clay Hedgehogs

Enrichment Week

We have been learning about The Great Fire of London. During enrichment week we had a visitor who gave us lots of information about this time. 

Visitors to our school